evangelical environmentalism

i just finished reading this:

and posted the following to reddit

this reads like an evangelicalal fantasy about the coming apocalypse where the wicked will get their come-uppance. if i wanted a sermon i'd go to church.

i'm astonished by americans' complete inability to take personal responsibility for changing things. i know plenty of "peak oil panicker" environmentalists who can't seem to find the cash to put solar panels on their houses but magically had enough home equity for a kitchen and bath remodel.

and this kind of defeatist sermon is used an an excuse for their apathy -- "solar's not going to solve our problems so why bother?", "wind's not going to solve our problems...", etc. well, shit, let's all just go buy Humvees then!

Sell your car. Move to the city. Walk and bike everywhere. Power your house with solar. Stop flying. Stop breeding. Support politicians who will tax the cars to fund their replacements. Don't be a fucking NIMBY -- encourage rather than fight dense housing and urban transport in your neighborhood. Spend some of your play money on drastically improving your energy consumption.

ultimately the most meaningful change from energy shortages will be price increases. position yourself NOW to be disproportionately less affected by them -- and in the process you might just make things a little better off for everyone.


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