worlds 2nd shortest motorcycle ride

worlds 2nd shortest motorcycle ride
Ursprünglich hochgeladen von bkusler
or "why i can't hate harley riders"

we'd had an awesome ride up to dorrington and a great night with new friends. we got gas 5 miles from the cabin on our way back home and this gal on a harley was like, "dude your tire is in baaaad shape, i wouldn't ride on that". and she was right. the belts had worn clean through in a big stripe down the middle. because there was still a good patch, i hadn't seen the problem when we were leaving the cabin.

long story short -- the only good option was for kel to dash down to jamestown on his bike and grab a uhaul and for us to schlep both bikes back here that way. we got to hang at the cabin for a few more hours drinking gin and tonics rather than being in the middle of nowhere waiting for an emergency tow truck from modesto. or worse, waiting for a lifeflight helicopter to come mop me up from losing control when the tire blew.

so yeah, i'm home now and raising the glass to 4 harley riders. whooda thought :)


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