more migrating off the iPhone

i've been using my c905 for the past few days without incident. it hopped onto my wifi and has been giving me internet feeds and email and stuff... but i've mostly been around the house. went to noisebridge yesterday for the 1234567890 fest and realized that my edge and 3G were sorta not working. like i could still get my IMAP mail but internet browsing was dying (error was "something is wrong with the page you tried to access. Choose another link.")

I had already gone to the sony ericsson site to get the auto-config message sent down to my phone, and since email was working i was kinda like, "WTF?"

Turns out that when you migrate off of the iPhone you need to call AT&T and have them switch your data plan, re-provision your service and re-activate your account in order for the internet service to work. whee!

please note that doing this then broke my voicemail so i had to call them back to get that fixed. YMMV.


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