
guest list so far:
3 Brian and Kelly and Nina
5 Monte and Lee
7 Chris and Trudy
11 Clint, Kelly, Kyle, Cole
13 Judy and Larry
15 Michelle and Beau
17 Terisa and Kevin
19 Steve and Erika
21 Eric and Brian

start thinking army-sized proportions:
For 19 adults and 2 youngin's that want leftovers, that's 40 pounds of Turkey, 30 cups of stuffing, 10 cups of potatoes, 10 cups of veggies, plus pies, bread, soup, cranberries, and whatever else we want to devour.
For the Turkey, I will make the "leftover" portion in advance; about 10-12 pounds. For the big day, roast a 20-22 # bird, and thanks to Deep's humungous deep fryer, deep fry another 8 pounds so that everyone has some hot meat to eat. The advance bird will give us a head start on gravy too, and fine-tune our new oven.

where to put everything? We'll empty the fridge, and have two coolers. Maybe we need a 3rd.

still to get: probably need a few more platters and serving bowls.


  1. I told my Mexican co-worker at work about the huge thanksgiving I am going to and she told me anything under 50 is small and that large starts at about 125


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